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Rudy |
Rudy came into our rescue program on January 2, 2015. Rudy came into our rescue program from the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare Division. Rudy is a Beautiful, Palomino/White, Paint, Gelding. Rudy is estimated to be 15 years of age. Rudy is a survivor, despite his former owners discarding him and not even giving him the care or chance, he deserves.
Rudy Update 1/3/2015 I can't even begin to thank all you wonderful people for supporting Rudy. I know some don't agree with our decision to help him and some feel he is better off being euthanized. I am sorry that you feel that way. But, Rudy is here, he has survived the worse part of this horrible ordeal. Rudy was down on the ground for 2 days, trapped in chain link fencing, being attacked by dogs, in the freezing ice and he never gave up. He fought to survive and we are fighting with him.
Rudy Update 1/4/2015 Rudy is an inspiration! I can't tell you how much this loving soul has captured our hearts here at Blazes Tribute Equine Rescue. I truly feel as though he can sense how much we, and every one of you out there, are pulling for him. Today, he is doing wonderful! His wounds are continuing to heal and are looking very good. His eyes are shiny and gaining that awareness that all us horse-owners know so well. He was even interested in his surroundings enough that he enjoyed a walk outside in the yard. He perked up, and paid attention to all our distractions that we offer around here! Please continue to send prayers for this sweet boy; they are working! |
Rudy Update 1/5/2015 I simply can not thank each of you enough for your continued prayers and support for Rudy. I honestly can not put into words how much each of you mean to Rudy and I. Rudy is an amazing horse, and I honestly don't know how to describe his personality. He is the single most trusting horse, I have ever met. He just met us on Friday, and he already trusts us completely. Rudy has had several visitors and it takes him a moment before he is accepting of them. But, his wonderful soul is always quick to capture all those that come into contact with him. Rudy has a long road to recovery, and we will take each step with him. He is doing amazing and continues to show the world how much fight he has.
Rudy Update 1/7/2015 I apologize that we didn't get an update to everyone yesterday. It is getting increasingly difficult to find time to sit down in front of the computer.
Rudy Update 1/10/2015 Update on Rudy - 1/10/15, from our wonderful Veterinarian Dr. Charlotte Kin!
Rudy Update 1/12/2015 We are so happy with Rudy's progress. Rudy continues to thrive and improve daily. His wounds are looking great with healthy granulation tissue. He is bright and happy! Every day, you can tell this boy feels better and better. We are so happy with his amazing progress. Dr. Kin visited Rudy today and is very pleased with how he is coming along. He is such a survivor! I know we have touched on this several times, but once again, I want to say, he has full vision in both eyes and full hearing in both ears. He may not look like a normal horse, but his ears are fully functional and they will continue to serve the purpose they are meant too. He will live a happy, normal life without issues or infections! He just won't have the normal appearance of ears. That does not make him any less of a horse. He can still communicate with other horses, as well as, people. Trust me, I don't need to see his ears to know when he is frustrated or upset with us. It is all about knowing your horse. We have 125 horses in our rescue program. All come from severe neglect and believe it or not, they each have a full respect for each other. What one horse may lack, there is always another that is there to help out. Rudy is beautiful inside and out, and how superficial it is to believe that a horse has no value of life without his ears. All our rescue horses are amazing! All have a purpose! Rudy's story is just beginning!
Rudy Update 1/18/2015 Rudy continues to thrive and is doing wonderful! He is now out of one of the leg bandages and only has 2 wrapped. Both of those wounds are doing well and healing. I suspect he will be able to get out of another leg bandage soon, only leaving him with the hind leg wrapped, which is the one that was injured the worst with suspicion that it may have been in the tendon sheath. It is doing great and healing nicely, but that one will take a bit longer. He continues to make great improvements with the wounds on his head. They continue to retract and have healthy pink granulation tissue. His eyes are looking good and the wound under his eye, where the fractured occurred is doing great.
Rudy Update 1/25/2015 Rudy continues to thrive and doing wonderful!! His wounds continue to improve, getting smaller everyday. He is down to only having one leg bandage on. He had his feet trimmed on Friday and every day, he gets more normalcy in his life. He nickers when he sees a new horse enter the barn and is happy to greet you when you enter his stall. He continues to show an amazing personality, one full of gratitude and happiness. On nice, sunny days, he likes to go outside and see what the other horses are up too. We continue to thank everyone for all their wonderful support and prayers |
Rudy Update 2/1/2015 It is so hard to believe that exactly 1 month ago today, Rudy arrived into our program. I still remember it like yesterday. Rudy has come so far in such a short period of time. His personality makes me smile everyday. However, Today, his personality left me just shaking my head. lol I went to check on him and give him his eye medication. As I approached his stall, I found a bloody Rudy. Apparently, Rudy had an itch that he just had to scratch and he got a little overly excited scratching his good ear. His bandage was bloody and I swear Rudy just looked at me with a "Yep, I did it, and it felt great"! I never knew a horse could "smirk" until Rudy! ;-) His eyes hold more expression than any other horse I have been around. He continues to inspire me on a daily basis. His will, strength and attitude speak volumes.
Rudy Update 03/01/2015 I know everyone has been patiently waiting for an update on our favorite boy! So, here is your Rudy Update!
Rudy Update 12/24/2015 Rudy is doing amazing!! It is hard to believe that we are quickly approaching a year since he came to us injured. He continues to love life! He is such an inspiration to us all and a true blessing. If you are local to the Oklahoma City or Tulsa area, please watch Channel 9 and/or Channel 6 news. The picture above of Rudy and Founders Natalee & Shawn Cross is featured in their commercial, titled "We believe in Oklahoma". They truly did a beautiful piece representing all the inspirational stories they have covered throughout the year. You can also follow us on Facebook to see a small clip of the commercial, if you are not local. We will update on his 1 year anniversary, as we have a surprise planned for this sweet boy, along with his best friend Double D, and all his prayer warriors that supported him and followed his story. Thank you all for all of your amazing support! We couldn't do what we do without each and every one of you!
Rudy Update January 02, 2016 It's hard to believe today marks the 1 year Anniversary of Rudy's journey to our rescue from such an unbelievable chain of events that nearly left for him for dead. His remarkable will to survive truly touches all of our lives. Of course, we wanted to celebrate his anniversary, along with his best friend Double D, in style. We decided to take them for a little play time while our wonderful Photographer, A'Lissa DeVorss with Fat Cat Photography, captured them at their finest. They started off so pretty and clean, they quickly turned themselves into muddy messes and enjoyed some carrot cake! These two do everything in style!! Thank you all for supporting their journey and helping with their huge medical bills! We can't do this alone! Many more horses just like Rudy and Double D will come into our program. Together, we can save those who otherwise would be discarded, and provide them the future they have always longed for! I hope you all enjoy the photos, as much as we enjoyed taking them.
Rudy Update March 04, 2016 It is with an extremely heavy heart that I announce the loss of our beloved Double D. Double D was Rudy's Best friend! And it breaks our heart to see Rudy grieve. As you know, Double D has been battling cancer for the last year. He went through 4 surgeries where we tried to get ahead of the squamous cell carcinoma of his eyelids and his penis sheath, where large masses were excised by our Veterinarians. Each time, they treated the cancer with cryosurgery and implantation of chemotherapy slow release beads. Sadly, each surgery only provided him a couple of months before the cancer returned. Over the course of the last month, the cancer spread rapidly and the growth rate was excessive. I could see a difference in personality and how the cancer had quickly taken a toll on him. I prayed there would be other options available. Upon examination, the cancer had grown larger than ever and he was struggling to urinate. As we waited with Double D while our wonderful Veterinarian reached out to see if there was another surgery option available, I could see that he didn't want to fight it any longer. He had grown tired and his eyes seem to beg me to let him go. We had run out of options! We lost the battle! My heart is broken and it leaves me feeling so many emotions. I'm angry, because despite all our best efforts, it wasn't enough. I'm angry, because his previous owners allowed him to live like that, no treatment, no surrendering him to get him help. Perhaps, if we could have gotten to Double D much sooner, maybe, just maybe, he would still be with us. Instead, I am left with a broken heart. His best friend, Rudy is left with a broken heart. It is never easy to say goodbye. Double D, please know that I fought so hard for you and loved you as my own. You will always have a special place in my heart. I know you are no longer suffering and you are complete again, cancer free, running in greener pastures. Rest In Peace my sweet boy! You will forever be missed.
Rudy Update March 17, 2016 They say everything happens for a reason! Sometimes the reason becomes crystal clear if you watch closely. Rudy took Double D's death hard. He rarely used to lay down, but I would find him just laying in his run often. The run that was built for Rudy and Double D, where they spent many hours together. Rudy wasn't eating like he used too and when I would come over to love on him, I swear he would cry! The loss of Double D was hard enough, but watching Rudy grieve, broke my heart. I knew I needed to do something. One morning last week, I opened his run where he could go outside. He was able to talk to the horses on the other side of the fence. Once outside, he would just call out for Double D. I had some things to do, so I proceeded back into the house. A couple of hours later, I looked outside to see what he was up too, when I found him playing with Crash on the other side of the fence. That may not seem like a big deal to others, but it was to me, and the message was clear. See, Crash just returned to our rescue the same day we lost Double D. I was disappointed to see Crash come back, specially what led to his return, but it all became clear in that moment. I have said from day one, If God leads me to it, He would lead me through it. The loss of Double D and the return of Crash was no accident. Later that evening, we collected Crash out of the pasture to see how he and Rudy would do together. At that moment everything seemed right again. Crash and Rudy are getting along great and becoming fast friends. Of course, Crash can never replace Double D, but he is certainly helping a friend cope with the loss and putting a smile on our faces.
Rudy Update March 28, 2023 I realize it has been quite some time since I updated Rudy's page. For that I apologize! Unfortunately, today, I am coming with an update, I never wanted to make. My heart is shattered, and I can't believe that I'm having to make this post. Very suddenly and unexpectedly, we lost our Amazing Rudy March 28, 2023. Rudy was beyond special. Rudy had a will like no other. He was so strong and fought an amazing battle to live, 8 years ago! He taught us to live and love our lives to the fullest. He loved life! But sometimes I think he truly loved his life more after his injury. Once he came to us, it was like we had always been together. He knew and accepted his name immediately and would always respond when you called for him. He was an inspiration to me and so many others. He lived life to the fullest, never skipped a beat, or missed an opportunity to be cantankerous and play, he was my diva, as I would call him. He loved the attention and always enjoyed being in the spotlight! I honestly can't say enough about this amazing horse, and he took a part of me with him, when he left this world. I truly thought we would have more than 8 years together. But I wouldn't trade those 8 years for anything. My heart aches so deeply and his companion Crash is grieving also. Rudy left on his own terms! He wasn't sick, he was very healthy, he didn't colic, he simply laid down for a nap, and never woke up. We lost him between 4 and 5 pm that day. Crash stood patiently and calmly looking over him. I'm sure, to some degree, it was a blessing that he left us this way. The Lord knows, we would have struggled deeply if we ever had to make the decision to let him go. I know he went peacefully, and I couldn't ask for more. I just wish we had more time together. Rudy, I love you so much! Thank you for blessing my life for the last 8 years! You will forever have a piece of my heart and I will miss you so much! I know you will be waiting for me on the other side! Rest In Peace my Beautiful Boy Rudy!
If you would like to Donate or Sponsor a horse in our care please Donate here. |